Beets are fantabulous (fantastic + fabulous). Prior to this year I would never have eaten them on purpose. My only experience eating beets was many years ago eating them at a farmer's house. I did not like them, but it was not until recently that I considered they were pickled. I don't enjoy pickled anything. The vinegar and salt overwhelm the flavor of the vegetable, mutating it into something it shouldn't taste like. What made me decide to try beets again was a recipe from Spark People, a diet plan website that I subscribe to occasionally that creates meal plans based on healthy food and recipes. I was challenged with the recipe of a beet salad. It was actually the recipe that broke my resolve to stay on the plan. It called for fresh beets, but I could not find those in the grocery store. Reluctantly, I bought canned beets even though I thought they would be pickled. I kept finding substitution recipes to eat instead of the beet salad. Eventually I gave up on the salad idea, and the beets became just a can taking up space in my pantry. Several times, I considered just donating the can to various food drives, but I always forgot to get around to it.
Finally, I decided that I was going to throw out the can, but before tossing it out, I would try one. Beets have a very unique flavor. The first thing I noticed was that these beets were not pickled, so I kept eating them. They were very sweet, but they still tasted weird to me. The odd flavor was too interesting for me to stop trying it. I have since bought several cans of beets.
The other day however, I found some fresh beets in the organic section of produce. I decided to bake them as opposed to boiling. The outside was very rough so I scrubbed it with a veggie brush until it turned red all over. I cut off the leafy top and the root end. I found this recipe for baking instructions online and baked them at 400F for an hour. I stuck them in the fridge to cool. Once they cooled down, I rubbed off the outer layer of skin to finish them. They taste so awesome! They taste (not surprisingly) even better than the canned beets. The fresh baked beets taste good enough to eat hot or cold, and they are so much sweeter. I already knew that I would be growing beets in my garden this Spring, but now it's double guaranteed. Beets are more like dessert than just a vegetable. I look forward to trying them in more recipes.
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