Friday, March 9, 2012

My purpose is to stomp procrastination

I excel at one thing over all other talents: procrastination. If I got a nickel for every moment that I procrastinate, I would build a tower to the moon with my nickels...if I ever got around to it. Perfectionism hounds me at every turn. No matter what I am doing, there is always something else looking more fun, rewarding, or necessary. I have often received compliments on my work in the past, but rather than encourage me to continue practicing my talent, I have felt oppressed by the need to work harder until my life is completely drained of fun. That's the roadmap to Stressville.

Do I want to live my life in Stressville? Do I want to build a family there? Do I want to retire there? Of course not!

My heart breaks a little each time I want to take action and hold myself back, each time I want to speak up with the truth and stay silent. Heart ache is all procrastination will ever bring. Sometimes, procrastination can be disguised as a more noble cause such as sacrifice, fairness, and humility. Those can be useful qualities to possess, but in excess, they become oppression, injustice, and shame. Essentially, each time I procrastinate, I am voluntarily giving up a piece of my soul.

What can I do to counteract the negative force of procrastination? Increase my self discipline. If I concentrate on improving my self control, I will build resistance to the demoralizing effect of procrastination. I can build up one area of my life at a time: finance, wellness, intellectual pursuits, spiritual growth. The list goes on and on. Each area improved brings new strength to those areas I've already worked on. If I practice self discipline, eventually time will give me what I need and want from life.

Procrastination comes from impatiently demanding that time pay all the fruits of labor in advance and continually failing to contribute. Procrastinators are time moochers. My goal is to contribute my fair share for what I have already received and go even farther to exceed my own expectations of myself.  My purpose in life is to find the way around unjustified hesitation and take action towards being happy.

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