Thursday, January 12, 2012

Primal Blueprint Week 2 Update

I think I can safely say I am fully adjusted to the primal eating plan.  I still have to work on other components such as lifting heavy things and getting sunshine.  I don't miss bread at all, or beans.  Last night some coworkers were having pizza as I left work, but I was not tempted to steal a piece.  In fact Monday, in a team meeting, I was surprised by the unanimous "No, bring fruit!" everyone shouted when the boss suggested bringing donuts for breakfast.  That was my immediate reaction, but I did not expect to be joined in such an emphatic chorus of agreement.  I feel lucky to work with such health-conscious people.

I will definitely be continuing the primal eating plan for a full 30 day trial.  That would put the next milestone on January 27.  The diet transition has been far easier than I had imagined, at least socially.  I have no problem going out to eat with friends, and occasionally people get a little envious over my delicious salads.  I don't eat this way for attention, but I am glad to share my results and recipes.  The other day, I saw a chili burger on TV and found that modifying it to be primal was not difficult.  I just took out the beans and bun and added lots of salad greens.  Last week I ate a lot of slow cooked chicken for lunch and omelets for breakfast so one day for lunch I switched it up and had hard boiled eggs with my salad instead of chicken.

Whenever I explain to someone that I don't eat bread, I make the distinction that it is grains that I avoid, not carbs in general.  This is not Atkins.  This is not South Beach.  This is Primal Blueprint.

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